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Welcome to Harmony DB, the back office database of Harmony CBC's Consultants.

Any registered consultant (hereinafter referred to as a USER) can easily create client records in an ordered manner and can add notes and reports on an ad-hoc basis without restriction other than being a Registered User.

It is not possible to become a User without specific permission from a senior Harmony CBC Partner and then that permission will be passed to the database Administrator for entry as a Registered User.  At that point the Registered User will be given Access Rights to create and/or read/edit database data. To gain access to the database every User has their own access credentials - their User Name and their Password. No two users have the same credentials. The Password must never be divulged to or shared with any other person especially other registered Users. Whilst the database is secure it is only as secure as long as Users keep their access credentials private. The Administrator can withdraw  or suspend access rights of any User by withdrawing or invalidating the access credentials at any time if it is considered the database may be at risk of unauthorised access.

However, once a Registered User, Consultants can create Client data sets. To give Users an incite into Databases; a Client data set is called a RECORD in database parlance. Furthermore, each Record is made up of a number if FIELDS. Each Field stores a specific type of data. e.g. Name, Address, Telephone Number, etc., which are the simple data Fields. There are also slightly more complicated data field types which are called REPORT Fields. Reports store large quantities of free form or "Rich" text rather like a word processor can produce. A collection of similar Records is stored in a database TABLE. A Database can have many Tables which are inter-related in some way.

The information stored in the Harmony CBC Database can be restored or retrieved from the Database by pre-programmed search buttons made up for common search (filter) tasks. A typical and simple search task is finding a Client SURNAME Record. A more complex search would be by a very powerful Search Filter that allows the User to specify a single or multi layer filter to restore specific types of records e.g. between a certain age range or from any group of fields in the database, e.g.  age AND / OR a certain behavioural issue.

Users can only edit or delete their own client records but can see all the records in the database. Access to review Records or gain knowledge about a type of behaviour is not restricted but it is not acceptable nor possible for and User to change or interfere with another User's records.

At the time of writing these help notes there are two Tables in the Harmony CBC Database; "Clients" Table and "Marketing Contacts" Table. There is no physical limit to the number of Tables in the database but for obvious reasons there does not need to be too many Tables so as to make it overly complicated.

New Tables can be requested through the senior Consultants and the Database Administrator will develop these as approved.

For more information on using the Tables see Using the Database Tables

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